No, I won't be relaxing in a tub on my blog hiatus, I'll still be glued to the computer, only for work only. Apologies, I'm not sure where I found this pic, but I absolutely love it. I especially love the Moroccan wedding blanket - it's on the top of my "things to buy from overseas if our dollar ever recovers" list!
Just a quick note to say my posts will be minimal for the next week or so. I've just started back at work after four months of maternity leave and am quickly running out of time to get the Real Living
website all set to go live on November 3 (it's a special Christmas issue). And just in case it was way too easy adjusting to working life from home with two small babies, I also took on a rather large freelance job due at the same time (I like a challenge!!). I do work best under pressure, but I've got a lot going on here so I'll just be posting pretty pics on
both blogs for a while, starting with this beautiful bathroom pic. And trying really, really hard to not search google, etsy or all your fabulous blogs and websites for anything other than work-related! But keep tuning in, please, and I'll be back properly soon. xxx
Found you via lalalovely and absolutely love your blog. Will come back.
Oh I love this picture.. it is from the book The Family at Home by Anita Kaushal. Have you ever seen the book? You would LOVE it!
Oh I love this picture.. it is from the book The Family at Home by Anita Kaushal. Have you ever seen the book? You would LOVE it!
ohhhh glad I found your blog as we just bought a huge house in need of some renovation inside!!!
oh and I'm so obsessed with chandeliers at the moment I can't look at them enough!
good luck at work and I'll keep catching up what loveliness you show here
I am in love with this bathroom. I will now be dreaming of that bath. God - you pack a bit into yor day don't you!!!!!! I think you need some tight red shorts, a black wig and and invisible jet!
How do you think credit crunch affected porn?
is porn the only winner during credit crunch?
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