It was soooo hot today, this was pretty much liquid after the photo was taken.
For as long as I can remember, I've been addicted to slurpies. The petrol station near my home would see my every day in summer (and every third day in winter) when I was growing up. And I'm now McDonald's biggest fan since they brought in their Frozen Cokes - don't even have to get out of the air conditioned car! But my absolute favourite frozen drink is the one I do myself. Could not be easier. If you hate it when your soft drink goes flat towards the end of the bottle, throw it in the freezer. Once frozen, take the bottle out and smash it hard on the ground - it's a very violent game this one - to loosen it up a little and then shake, shake, shake the bottle until it's all mushy. Then squeeze it into a glass (you might need to do some more banging and shaking here - a rather good workout!) and eat with a spoon. Yum. The good thing is, the fizz of the soft drink (even the flatish stuff) means it doesn't freeze as hard as ice and so breaks up nicely to make yummy slurpies. And you know it's not half water, like the shop ones are! My fave is the Deep Spring Orange and Mango Mineral Water. Mmm. Or plain Coke. There are three things I will never, ever buy cheapie homebrand versions of: toilet paper, tissues and cola. It needs to be Coke - or nothing!!
And for the bubbies...
Sassy Teether Feeder, $7.95, Baby Nest. You can also get something similar from Big W. Can't forget the babies. Miss L is starting to teeth and is chomping down on anything and everything. The ice ring teethers are good, but this is even better: I pop an ice cube (or two) into this mesh feeder, smash it up with a heavy spoon and let her at it. She gets to suck and bite on the ice and actually get a result, something the teethers don't do. But boy you should see the tantrums when the ice runs out! These are also great for messy fruits like mango and banana. Oh and a tip on ice. I've found out (by accident - we have no cold water tap in the kitchen at the moment. It's literally falling apart, hence the need to get on with the reno!) that by freezing warm water, it breaks up itself into nice little bits when you crack it out of the ice tray. Good for little kids who like to eat ice as a snack (or is that just my children who do that?)
Your McDonald's have FROZEN Cokes??? (Yes, that is excitement/surprise there, haha!) I really need to move! The best frozen Cokes I've ever had are in Disney parks for some reason -- they have a monopoly on the good stuff.
Good luck with the reno! :)
love the new haircut. I have a question--How do you clean those baby teethers? Ice is a good idea and I'll try that but I could never get the fruit out and ended up getting rid of mine with the last baby because they were so manky...
I love doing that to soft drink. usually its the day after a night out and there's half a bottle or so leftover. Perfect thing for a hangover :P Deep Spring is my all-time favourite. I haven't touched Coke in...18 months... omg... I just calculated that... better go blog :)
Hey Nicole - sorry for late reply. i just run it under the hot water for a while if it's just the ice. with fruit, a little scrub under hot water should do the trick but i don't use it for fruit that often. i actually think they might be dishwashable too for memory...
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