Layla Belle Graham
Born: Wednesday June 11, 2008 at 3.42pm
Weight: 3.92kg or 8lb 10
Length: 54cm
Little Pud has finally arrived! And it's a girl, so my theory was wrong! She came into the world rather swiftly on Wednesday and was very good to her mum - five hours of mildish contractions and a couple of pushes later, we got to meet her (am sooo glad I didn't go home as was offered as would have had her there! Eek!) She's a little sweetheart and so far, has been an angel baby, sleeping all the time! Zak is rather pleased he has a little playmate - poor thing has already been high-fived, kissed, headbutted and tickled! All the important things. I said next time you see me it'd be a cheesy family pic, but, well it's an almost family pic. Poor Steve was playing photographer and I didn't realise till just before we have none altogether yet. So stay tuned cause I'll no doubt bore you all to tears with updates. Oh and apologies for the lack of clothes (and info), but she kinda caught me by surprise in the shower!

A rare glimpse of her eyes!

Zakky meeting his little sister. He calls her "La la la"

My perfect pink bundle
I'm off to wake her so I can feed and change her - it sounds wrong, doesn't it? But seriously, I've seen her eyes open for a grand total of about 20 minutes each day! Back soon
congrats my dear...she looks adorable...enjoy the sleep...blink your eyes and she will be runnning around....
Have a great weekend with your fam...
CONGRATULATIONS, She is just adorable!! Perfect in every way, you look gorgeous, yay to short labours.
Congratulations!!! Her name is as precious as she is. Now you can go nuts with the deer theme and all the pretty pink girly things. You look gorgeous and so so happy. Congrats again. I can't wait to see more :)
Congratulations, one of each that it feat in it's self. I love her name and she is very beautiful. I will have to find some girly things to bpost on my baby blog. LOL.
There is nothing sweeter than a new baby.
My wish for you is that she remains a good sleeper!
How gorgeous! Congrats on the arrival of this little delight. And you look terrific - I looked like I had jumped out of an areoplane without a parachute after I had Minnie...
oh, she's beautiful, Belinda! And I LOVE her name. My daughter actually has the same first name - although we spell it Leila. I am so glad she got here safely and now you are a family of four. xoxo
congrats to you all!! shes soooooooooooo perfect!! can't wait to see you all again soon!!!
lots love to you all and big hugs and kisses for Zak and Layla!! xxxxxxxx
Hi congratulations again on your gorgeous little layla. Check out my two posts called congratulations and esty for your baby, they are either about you or for you.
WOW, CONGRATS on the new little girl!
now you have a boy and a girl...ist what i wish for myself - if i ever get around to having kids. So happy for ya!!
Jen Ramos
'100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards & More'
thank you all for your lovely comments. She's just gorgeous and has settled in beautifully. And equally as important, Zak is in love with her and has been soooo good (aside from a few headbutts and attempts to sit on her!) Phew!
Congratulations Belinda! awww she is just beautiful - makes me want another one!! you look fantastic! you should see my first mum & bub pic haha Im SO out of it!! haha!
well done and again congrats on the new addition to your lovely family!!!
Hello Layla! Welcome to the world!
Congrats Belinda!
She is very pretty :)
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